Saturday 29 November 2014


" Yo siempre he tenido mucha manga ancha con los hombres, pero que me aburran es algo que nunca les he permitido ".


Friday 25 July 2014

Tanto en Julio como en Enero

"...Cultivo una rosa blanca
tanto en Julio como en Enero
Para el amigo sincero
Que me da su mano franca..."

Monday 26 May 2014


I came across a cache of old photos
and invitations to teenage parties
'Dress in white' one said with quotations
from someone's wife, a famous writer
in the nineteen-twenties
When you're young you find inspiration
in anyone who's ever gone
and opened up a closing door
She said we were never feeling bored

'cause we were never being boring
We had too much time to find for ourselves
and we were never being boring
We dressed up and fought then thought make amends
And we were never holding back or worried that
time would come to an end

When I went I left from the station
with a haversack and some trepidation
Someone said if you're not careful
you'll have nothing left and nothing to care for
in the nineteen-seventies
But I sat back and looking forward
my shoes were high and I had scored
I'd bolted through a closing door
and I would never find myself feeling bored

'cause we were never being boring
We had too much time to find for ourselves
and we were never being boring
We dressed up and fought then thought make amends
And we were never holding back or worried that
time would come to an end
We were always hoping that, looking back
you could always rely on a friend

Now I sit with different faces
in rented rooms and foreign places
All the people I was kissing
some are here and some are missing
in the nineteen-nineties
I never dreamt that I would get to be
the creature that I always meant to be
but I thought in spite of dreams
you'd be sitting somewhere here with me

'cause we were never being boring
We had too much time to find for ourselves
and we were never being boring
We dressed up and fought then thought make amends
And we were never holding back or worried that
time would come to an end
We were always hoping that, looking back
you could always rely on a friend

And we were never being boring
We were never being bored
'cause we were never being boring
We were never being bored

Thursday 13 February 2014


Recientemente, y de la forma más inesperada, me topé online con la esquela de mi primer amor. Falleció hace dos años, a los 51.

Hace más de 20 años que nos conocimos. La última vez que nos vimos, fue hace algo más de 10. Yo caminaba por una calle de Hackney y él hizo sonar el claxon de su coche y se detuvo unos instantes para hablarme. No sabía que yo estaba de regreso en Londres. Me gustó mucho verle, y pensé que nos volveríamos a encontrar en algún momento. Ahora tengo la certeza de que esto no sucederá nunca.

Le conocía muy poco. Realmente nos vimos muy pocas veces, aunque yo pasé mucho tiempo pensando en él platónicamente. Al volver la vista atrás pienso que debí desconcertarle bastante.

Nos conocimos en Heaven. Él me eligió entre la multitud. Yo era un niñato con ganas de comerme el mundo por los pies, y él se había cruzado en mi camino - un poco como un gigante gentil. Así que inevitablemente convertí la historia en un romance tormentoso - más bien imaginario - en mi cabeza.

Al mirar atrás tengo un montón de recuerdos maravillosos de este hombre. De él en sí no mucho más que su sonrisa, que era realmente excepcional y apuntaba un trasfondo de tristeza que no conseguí desenmarañar. Pero de lo que me hizo sentir, los recuerdos son interminables, la mayoría demasiado íntimos para escribirlos aquí. Entre los otros, los hay bastante embarazosos; caminar de Clapham a Streatham Hill recogiendo flores, esperar cualquier excusa para telefonearle (recuerdo particularmente una llamada desde una cabina telefónica en el Paralelo en su cumpleaños), mi primer beso en su Rover SD1 (que me encantaba), mi primer cita, frente a la estación de Covent Garden (cuando la Piazza aún no era peatonal), una tortilla de patatas cocinada en un wok con aceite de girasol, confesar que no sabía planchar…

Los recuerdos físicos son mucho más escasos; creo que conservo alguna carta y un par de fotos suyas en casa de mis padres.

La muerte es un acontecimiento que nos lleva a la reflexión. Nosotros no tuvimos amigos comunes, ni existe nadie con quien pueda hablar de él que le hubiera conocido. Supongo que por eso he sentido la necesidad de escribir aquí.

Me hubiera gustado conocerle más, hacerle saber que, una vez disipadas mis desilusiones románticas, le tenía mucho cariño. También me gustaría saber cómo murió, pero sobretodo, espero que fuera feliz, y que no sufriera.

Desde aquí quiero darle las gracias por todo lo que me dio, y sobretodo, por todo lo que no me quitó.

BASIL BRADY 1961 - 2012

Thursday 6 February 2014


He aquí una gran declaración de principios.

What good is sitting alone in your room?
Come hear the music play.
Life is a Cabaret, old chum,
Come to the Cabaret.

Put down the knitting,
The book and the broom.
Time for a holiday.
Life is Cabaret, old chum,
Come to the Cabaret.

Come taste the wine,
Come hear the band.
Come blow your horn,
Start celebrating;
Right this way,
Your table's waiting

No use permitting
soem prophet of doom
To wipe every smile away.
Come hear the music play.
Life is a Cabaret, old chum,
Come to the Cabaret!

I used to have a girlfriend
known as Elsie
With whom I shared
Four sordid rooms in Chelsea

She wasn't what you'd call
A blushing flower...
As a matter of fact
She rented by the hour.

The day she died the neighbors
came to snicker:
"Well, thats what comes
from to much pills and liquor."

But when I saw her laid out like a Queen
She was the happiest...corpse...
I'd ever seen.

I think of Elsie to this very day.
I'd remember how'd she turn to me and say:
"What good is sitting alone in your room?
Come hear the music play.
Life is a Cabaret, old chum,
Come to the Cabaret."

And as for me,
I made up my mind back in Chelsea,
When I go, I'm going like Elsie.

Start by admitting
From cradle to tomb
Isn't that long a stay.
Life is a Cabaret, old chum,
Only a Cabaret, old chum,

And I love a Cabaret!